English introduction

A short introduction for English speaking visitors.

Family tree page of Sake Wagenaar


This website contains results of my genealogical research. Nearly all of my ancestors lived in Friesland (‘Fryslân’ in Frisian), in the North of The Netherlands. Most of them lived in the municipalities Tietjerksteradeel, Achtkarspelen, Smallingerland and Opsterland. The most important surnames are: Wagenaar, Van der Meulen, De Haan, Luimstra, Van der Kloet, Dijkstra, Piekstra, Bakker, Petersma, Duursma, Van der Meer, Ytsma, Van der Laan and Ploeg.

You can use the search option (‘Zoeken…‘) to search this website for names.

Wagenaar emigrants

In 1887, Syds Hendriks Wagenaar emigrated with his wife and children from Friesland to Wisconsin in the United States. He changed his name to John S. Wagner. He lived in the counties Kenosha (Wheatland) and Racine (Dover). His children were Henry, Frank, Sarah, Agnes, Nic, Effie, Arthur, Cornelia and Leona Wagner. Henry lived in Burlington (Racine County) and Lyons (Walworth County). I don’t know what happened to the Wagner family. If you have information about this family, I would like to hear about it.

As I later discovered, Syds was not the first Wagenaar to emigrate. His sister Aafje Hendriks Wagenaar (later known as Effie) and her husband Taeke Arjens Hommema emigrated to Wisconsin in 1880 or 1881. They lived in Burlington (Racine County) and already had three children when they emigrated (Hendrik or Henry, Agneta-Maria and Sytske). In Wisconsin three more children were born (Arthur, Martha and Walter). Several of their descendants are living in Illinois today.

On this page you can find a map of the places where these immigrants lived.


I don’t intend to present the results of my genealogical research here in full. The primary purpose of this site is to get in touch with fellow-genealogists. If you see connections to your own family, or want to know more about persons on my website, or want to report errors, I would like to receive a response. You can use the Contact form on the top menu to send a message to my e-mail adress.

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